Is it 'just a game'?

For those of us who love footy. It's not just a game. It really is a way of life - which sounds dramatic, but if you stick with me, you'll understand how football influences us and how it makes us fall in love and rely on the game. But first, here's how I arrived at Just A Game Prints...



My love for footy began with United - which is now a turbulent relationship due to the current circumstances but we move.


Blackpool FC

I didn't start playing footy for a team until I was 10 and it took me 4-5 years for it to really click when I started getting noticed for regional rep teams and pro clubs. I played up a school year at Fleetwood Town and represented Lancashire at county level and then joined Blackpool FC on a YTS!



After being released at Blackpool FC, I obtained a scholarship in New York. Up there with the best times of my life and some of the most challenging and professional football environments I've been in! I played across America and in Canada and completed a marketing degree alongside the football.



After 4 years in America, I came back home and played at a competitive amateur level for the last 5 years with good lads in a good set up. In those 5 years I've been testing the waters with marketing and design and working on those skill sets, testing a few business ideas and that leads us to now.



As I've gotten older, I've realised the importance of football in my routine. The exercise, the socialising, the structure, having long term goals, working towards something with good people - it has all contributed to my life in ways I didn't acknowledge as a young footballer. My appreciation for football has changed and grown over time. No matter what happens I'll always have football and the people within it. It really is a way of life!